Voice Talent

Michael L.

Deep, smooth tones with a rich texture. Michael will deliver your copy with a unique character that melts the soul.

Talent Data:

Gender: M

Union Eligibility: Non-U

Languages: English

Don't Destroy Medicaid
announcer, authoritative, biting, Booming, compelling, concerned, confident, Deep Voice, extreme, Gravitas, ominous, political, serious, tough

John Willis - Dreaming Big - Political
African American, announcer, attitude, compelling, confessional, conversational, cool, country, cowboy, Deep Voice, folksy, genuine, inspirational, mature, Morgan Freeman style, motivational, political, real, sincere

Steve Wendell for State Treasurer - Political
announcer, authoritative, biting, Booming, classy, compelling, edgy, inspirational, political

Senator Scott LeBeau - Political
announcer, Booming, classy, compelling, confident, conversational, Deep Voice, informative, inspirational, political

John Locarno - Negative Political
announcer, attitude, biting, Booming, edgy, political, serious, tough

Birthday Card
bravado, classy, cool, romantic, sexy, smooth, soft-spoken, warm

African American HIstory
announcer, authoritative, smooth

Home Owner
guy-next-door, real


Miss Utility
anti-announcer, cool, guy-next-door, real

Digital Telephone
announcer, authoritative, smooth

Basketball Is Back
announcer, authoritative, movie-trailer, newscaster, promo, sportscaster

Cajun King Shrimp
announcer, authoritative

Showcase Demo


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