Voice Talent

Logan L.

Logan is one of those kids that will strike up a conversation with strangers, and is wise beyond her years. A cool kid with a cool sounding voice and delivery.

Talent Data:

Gender: M

Union Eligibility: Non-U

Languages: English

Community College
African American, Anti-Announcer, Compelling, Confident, Genuine, Raspy

House Tour
African American, Character, Conversational, Friendly, Genuine, Perky, Raspy, Real, Upbeat

Text The Doctor
Cool, Genuine, Kid Next Door, Raspy, Real Teenager

Thank You
Caring, Compelling, Genuine, Raspy, Real, Sincere, Teenager, Thoughtful, Warm

Summer Break
Anti-Announcer, Confident, Friendly, Genuine, Raspy, Real, Teenager, Upbeat

Announcer, Authoritative, Confident, Promo, Raspy, Retail

Showcase Demo
English Showcase


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