Voice Talent

Laurie N.

Class, tone, and a wide range of reads. A real stand-out!

Talent Data:

Gender: F

Union Eligibility: Non-U

Languages: English

authoritative, classy, compelling, confident, conversational, Gravitas, inspirational

Disney Aulani Resort and Spa
announcer, classy, compelling, confident, inspirational, motivational, thoughtful, warm

announcer, compelling, confident, friendly, genuine, inspirational

QVC President's Day
announcer, classy, friendly, hard-sell, perky, promo, retail, upbeat

Hasbro Disney Princess Game
classy, compelling, friendly, Gravitas, holiday, inspirational, motivational, romantic

Nick Jr. Boost
confident, friendly, informative, motivational, professional, promo, sincere, upbeat

Crest Spinbrush
announcer, authoritative, confident, friendly, informative, promo, retail

American Psychiatric Association
caring, compelling, genuine, Gravitas, inspirational, motivational, real, sincere, thoughtful

Pilot Pen FriXion
announcer, authoritative, confident, conversational, informative, promo, upbeat

Kellogg’s Family Rewards
conversational, genuine, real, sincere

Ms. Fields
caring, friendly, genuine, sweet

Wildlife Refuge
caring, concerned, friendly, genuine, Gravitas, informative, mellow, midlife, motivational, sincere, smooth, soft-spoken, sweet, thoughtful

Bryan Medical
announcer, caring, confident, conversational, mature, nurse, professional, real, serious

Going Somewhere
caring, classy, conversational, cool, mellow, narrative, nostalgic, smooth, storyteller, warm

Very Sexy Makeup
promo, romantic, sexy, smooth, sophisticated, warm

Go Slow
cool, mellow, romantic, sexy, smooth, thoughtful, warm

Major Appliances
announcer, friendly, hard-sell, high-energy, promo, retail, upbeat

Sarah McLaughlin Album
caring, friendly, genuine, mother, promo, warm

Two Fish Sandwiches
announcer, friendly, girl-next-door, gravelly, high-energy, middle-age, midlife, Midwest, promo

confessional, conversational, genuine, mother, real, sincere, soccer mom

St. Anthonys
announcer, friendly, sincere

Juicy Juice Teasers
announcer, cool, upbeat

Pet Parents French
accented, accented English, conversational, cool, foreign, french, worldly

Jersey Accent
accented, accented English, biting, character, cocky, confessional, conversational, cool, edgy, impression, new-jersey, new-york, real, street-interview, young adult

Political Demo
antagonistic, attitude, authoritative, biting, confident, elitist, executive, Gravitas, middle-age, neutral, political, tough

Showcase Demo


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