Client Testimonials

Some Honest Opinions About Studio Center:


General Comments

Video Dept. Comments

Audio Dept. Comments

Debbie made the project a breeze. She was accessible and easy to work with.
– AnnaMarie
Shippley made the whole project flow smoothly and Bart was a complete pro! I love working with Studio Center.
– Bryan E.
Amazing studio, fantastic location, incredible folks at SC who make sure to get the job done right the first time. We love SC! Can't really think of anything at this time. Where else can you record great voices AND get fresh-baked cookies?!
– David N.
Stone cold professionalism. Talent always takes direction well, engineers are engaged - sessions always go so smoothly.
– Matt D.
The flexibility and ease of scheduling. Also the professionalism of the voice talent (Jon B is always great!).
– Pierce H.
I worked with SC on two separate casting sessions for one of my high priority projects. It was super easy working with both the on-screen talent department and then the voice over talent department. During my time working with SC, my town and house were hit by a record breaking storm and flood -- Samantha Alonso heard about the devastation and treated me to a complimentary lunch! That meant the world to me!
– Emily O.
One-stop shopping for the perfect voice and all audio production services. Keep on being responsive.
– Steve M.
Great voice talent (William W.), great engineer (Graham), great account rep (Mercedes)
– Todd J.